
Monday, February 7, 2005


Ladies and Gentlemen, -My task tonight is an honour rather than a duty, for I am sure that I am generally envied for being chosen to propose to the health of Jane Doe on her twenty-first-birthday. My only qualification is that I have had the privilege of whishing her many happy returns on most of her other birthdays. I can even remember her first birthday, when I took her in my arms, and later occasions when she sat on my knee. You will, I am sure, appreciate that I recall these things rather wistfully, for I am unlikely to get any further opportunities of this nature.

I have watched Jane Doe grow up. I have seen childish prettiness give way to womanly beauty; I have seen good nature broaden into charm. To me she has always been sweet and lovable, and I am sure she will remain the same for the rest of her life. Ladies and Gentlemen, I ask you to join me in drinking the health of Jane Doe and wishing her many happy returns of her twenty-first birthday.

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