
Thursday, January 27, 2005

Good Day Bookworm 

Just finished making my montly pilgrimage to the various used book shrines in Tokyo. It was the usual list of culprits. This time, just by chance I finished my rounds at Good Day Books, where I picked up the following gems:

Modern Japanese Daries - Donald Keene (I'm doing a general survey of Japanese Lit. at the moment, and this will be a perfect addition to my ever-growing pile of as-yet-unread books!)
The Use of Pleasure - Foucault (I remember Roddy talking about this book. I've read part one already.)
Love's Body - Norman O. Brown (I remember Cage talking about this book...)
The Confessions of Lady Nijo - Trans. Karen Brazell (Is SHE fake too, Marxy?)

By the way, I'd been in Good Day Books several times, but I'd never been able to screw up enough courage to talk to the owner. Today I was in rare form (it must be the weather), and so I managed to make a few obtuse remarks about the 'used book business' being a little like the antique business, with which I am somewhat familiar (my mother was for many years a self-employed antique dealer in the atlanta area, now retired). To my surprise, he concurred, and an interesting conversation was struck up. I managaed to twist his arm enough into us having drinks sometime soon at the watering hole downstairs. Looking forward to getting an earful of the ins-and-outs of the used book trade in Tokyo from an insider's perspective. You'll be the first to get the post game review. Stay tuned.

Robert "Bobby D." Duckworth, Esq.

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