
Tuesday, July 27, 2004

GlitchSlapKyoto - Not Your Mother's Pencil Case 

The following couldn't possibly be fiction: After I decended from the top of Mt. Fuji yesterday morning, I popped into a local cafe near 'Shin Fuji' station and had a pint of the local beer, which was quite good. After that, I took a 'local shinkansen' (a Kodama) over to Kyoto, just because I COULD, and also because I wanted to have a good look at the smaller stations in-between. It was raining cats and dogs when I got to Kyoto, and so I had to take a taxi over to the amazing studio of Mons. Bruce in Arashiyama, for my monthly 'PEOPLE' pencil case fix. (There are those among my friends who simply ARE people, and there are friends who both ARE, and HAVE PEOPLE. You know who you are.) Anyway, I found a real beauty in Kyoto, which will join the others adorning my studio wall. Oh, and I found a very nice pencil case as well.

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