
Wednesday, August 20, 2003

I's a workin'! 

Days and nights are filled recently with only a few activities:

・ Working on the editing/re-writing jobs for OK Fred - articles this time include folks in NYC (think microsnd), London (think the British version of Adorno), and Paris (hi special K. & the A.S. kids)!

・ Studying for the 日本語能力試験一級 which is coming up in a about three months (gulp)! With the help of a few friends, I'm concentrating these days on 四字熟語 (and 死語 just because) in addition to grammar. The reading and listening sections are a breeze for me thanks to too many hours with the boob tube on. Of course, this has a totally different function than TV viewing in America (brace yourselves kids, this link is scary) since the name of the game here is second language acquisition; no matter what I watch, I learn something, either on a linguistic, cultural, or quasi-educational level. Needless to say, the atomy contained within these treble poles is riviting, at least for someone like me.

・ Reading, reading, reading (my average is around 2.5 books per week, but this is a costly endeavor, as they are mostly imported), new finds are Bertrand Russell's later writings on society and also more books on those pesky Frankfurt Skool kids. (They leave my humors all mixed up.)

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